Embracing Your Inner Life Through Therapy

The Good, The Bad, and The Depraved— Embracing Your Inner Life Through Therapy. A look at the ongoing conversation between the therapist, the patient, and the “depraved character” can enable the patient to tolerate, accept, and perhaps even come to like, all of their internal characters.

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Permission to Feel and Reflect

Ellen Chazdon, PsyD, a clinical psychologist in private practice in Minneapolis, talks about the similarity between the journal and Freud’s “fundamental rule,” where he emphasized the centrality in therapy of saying whatever is on one’s mind without editing—where things feel alive and true.

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Is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy More Effective?

NBC posted a story claiming that Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is the “gold standard” of psychotherapy treatment. PsiAN responds, showing research studies and the experience of clinicians the world over know that CBT is NOT more effective, and that talk therapies of depth, insight and relationship have been shown repeatedly to be equally effective.

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A Commentary on Governor Pritzker’s Budget

Governor Pritzker of Illinois presented his first budget address since taking office, and we appreciate his focus on increased mental health spending, and are hopeful that the budget is a harbinger of a positive trend. However, Illinois does not only need increased mental health and substance abuse funding but increased access to individualized mental health care of depth, dedication, duration and relationship.

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