The Othering of Psychoanalysis

The Othering of Psychoanalysis: Symposium, given at the American Psychological Association (APA) Annual Conference, decided to make “othering” the theme of its annual conference this year. PsiAN decided to take a look at the treatment of psychoanalytic thought and therapies through that lens.

We’ve posted here the papers below, presented by Oksana Yakushko, Linda Michaels, and Janice Muhr, with a discussion by Nancy Burke. These presentations look at the history of Freud bashing in the United States through the lens of psychology’s historic ties to eugenics; the evidence base for psychoanalytic therapies; and PsiAN’s efforts to transcend the effects of marginalization.

The Papers:

August 2019


Chicago Teachers Union is on Strike for More Mental Health


The American Psychiatric Guideline for Schizophrenia