PsiAN’s Position on Mental Health Apps

PsiAN supports tools and technologies when they increase access to quality care of lasting benefit, but we are concerned with profit-driven apps, websites and platforms seeking revenue by discarding the therapeutic relationship, violating standards of professional practice ethics, and putting their commercial interests ahead of the best interests of patients.

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What People Need and Want from Therapy

A great new article by Linda Michaels, our Chair and Co-Founder, What People Need and Want from Therapy: Advancing Access to Quality Care. Linda brings PsiAN's market research to a general audience, highlighting key results that support therapies of depth, insight and relationship.

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Faking Sincerity

Dr. Reidbord, a San Francisco psychiatrist, and editor of the Forum, discusses how psychotherapy training programs never advise students to “fake sincerity.”  Therapies of depth, insight, and relationship are founded on genuine human connection, which can’t be duplicated with AI.

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Lyra Health Limits Access to High-Quality Treatments

Irene Yancher, PsyD, a San Francisco-based clinical psychologist talks about how Lyra Health limits Access to high-quality treatments for their own benefit by raising money to connect employees of companies, such as Facebook, to mental health treatment. We cannot allow the financial interests of one startup to denigrate high-quality treatments and to limit patients to brief therapies that may not work for them.

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Is Your Doctor Going the Way of the Family Farm?

Keith R Wilson, a counselor in private practice in Rochester, NY, talks about how farming has changed into big business much like mental health. They say industrial medicine gives the public more access to better care, but he discussed how it reduces patients to quantifiable symptoms and healthcare workers into unthinking and unfeeling machinery.

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