The Evolution of Psychotherapy

Psychotherapy has grown and evolved over the past 130 years. Building on decades of clinical experience, academic research, and an ever-growing evidence base, psychotherapy today is a modern, relevant, and highly effective treatment for people suffering from all sorts of emotional and psychological problems.

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What People Need and Want from Therapy

A great new article by Linda Michaels, our Chair and Co-Founder, What People Need and Want from Therapy: Advancing Access to Quality Care. Linda brings PsiAN's market research to a general audience, highlighting key results that support therapies of depth, insight and relationship.

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Embracing Your Inner Life Through Therapy

The Good, The Bad, and The Depraved— Embracing Your Inner Life Through Therapy. A look at the ongoing conversation between the therapist, the patient, and the “depraved character” can enable the patient to tolerate, accept, and perhaps even come to like, all of their internal characters.

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Faking Sincerity

Dr. Reidbord, a San Francisco psychiatrist, and editor of the Forum, discusses how psychotherapy training programs never advise students to “fake sincerity.”  Therapies of depth, insight, and relationship are founded on genuine human connection, which can’t be duplicated with AI.

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Mental Health, Therapy, Evidence Based Therapy Dayna Sharp LCSW Mental Health, Therapy, Evidence Based Therapy Dayna Sharp LCSW

I Went to Therapy and All I Got Was This Lousy T-shirt

Dayna Sharp, a relational psychotherapist and licensed clinical social worker, talks about how some therapy clients want souvenirs to remind them they’ve been in therapy. But what if focusing on souvenirs in therapy adds to the anxiety and fear, and distracts us from what’s really important—the relationship and the experience?

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