Todd Essig, PhD

Licensed Clinical Psychologist, Psychoanalyst

Todd Essig, PhD is Training and Supervising Psychoanalyst at the William Alanson White Institute and a member of PsiAN’s Advisory Board. Widely known as a pioneer in the innovative uses of mental health technologies, he publishes and lectures widely. He has served on editorial boards for Contemporary Psychoanalysis and JAPA and recently co-edited with Gillian Isaacs Russell a special issue of Psychoanalytic Perspectives on psychoanalysis and technology. In the aftermath of 9/11 he was Board Chair for the NY Disaster Counseling Coalition (NYDCC) providing free mental health care to first responders and their families. Since March 2020 he has been Co-Chair of the American Psychoanalytic Association’s Covid-19 Advisory Team, and has been awarded Distinguished Service awards by APsaA and the NY State Psychological Association for his efforts. He wrote “Managing Mental Wealth” for Forbes where he covered the intersection of technology, psychology, and culture. His practice is in New York City where he treats individuals and couples, almost all of whom (used to) come to his office.