When Talkspace Sued PsiAN

Here’s the harrowing story of what happened when PsiAN dared to stand up to a major corporation. Linda Michaels offers her personal account of the experience of Talkspace suing PsiAN and its cofounders as individuals.

Our friends at ROOM published this article - thank you for supporting our work!

June 2023


After an ad aired widely featuring Michael Phelps talking about having felt suicidal and then endorsing “therapy for all,” the first compliment arrived. The ad, with Michael first lying on the bottom of an empty pool that’s windblown with dead leaves and then (bizarrely) sitting in an overstuffed armchair in the middle of the barren pool, was polished, professional. With its broad, sweeping message and high production value, it felt like a public service announcement for the betterment of society. A colleague sent an email to a professional listserv, stating, “Kudos to PsiAN and their efforts at bringing the importance of talk therapy to public awareness.” Read the entire article.


The Evolution of Psychotherapy


PsiAN Issues Comment to the APA Regarding PTSD Guidelines