Community Mental Health Agencies


A Home Within

A Home Within is the only national organization dedicated solely to meeting the emotional needs of foster youth. We provide open-ended individual psychotherapy to current and former foster youth, free of charge, and for as long as it takes. We educate clinicians about relationship-based therapy, and we train those working with traumatized and vulnerable youth in relationship-based practices for trauma-informed care.


Access Institute

Access Institute provides high-quality psychological care to people of all ages who fall through the socioeconomic cracks, while training the next generation of mental health professionals through a model that values human complexity, supports socially-conscious practice, and promotes sustained human growth.

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Austen Riggs Center

The Austen Riggs Center is a leading psychiatric hospital and residential treatment program that has been serving adults since its founding in 1919. Within an open setting, patients participate in an intensive treatment milieu that emphasizes respectful engagement. Individual psychodynamic psychotherapy is provided four times a week by doctors on staff. The Erikson Institute for Education and Research of the Austen Riggs Center studies individuals in their social contexts through research, training, education, and outreach programs in the local community and beyond. Riggs is consistently ranked a “Best Hospital in Psychiatry” by U.S. News & World Report.

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Blanton-Peale Institute and Counseling Center

Blanton-Peale Institute & Counseling Center provides affordable holistic mental health care to people representing the full diversity of New York City. It amplifies this impact by training mental health professionals, leaders, and other caring people with the tools of psychology, mental health, and spirituality.

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Juvenile Protective Association (JPA)

The mission of JPA is to improve the social and emotional well-being and functioning of vulnerable children so they can reach their fullest potential at home, in school, and in our communities. This is accomplished by providing therapeutic counseling services to at-risk children and families, conducting research, sharing knowledge, and providing expert consultation and guidance to others serving these children and families.

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Kedzie Center

Kedzie Center provides accessible, high-quality and culturally-informed mental health care to North River (Chicago) residents through the integration of clinical practice, education, and evaluation, as informed by the community and in collaboration with local residents and partners.

Philadelphia Consultation Center

The Philadelphia Consultation Center (PCC) is a clinic within the Philadelphia School of Psychoanalysis, employs highly skilled professionals who are receiving advanced clinical supervision in psychotherapy and psychoanalysis. We offer psychotherapy to individuals who are seeking help for difficulties with depression, anxiety and a wide range of other concerns.

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Smart Love Family Services

Smart Love Family Services is a non-profit organization founded in 2002. Its mission is to help children, adolescents, parents, couples and adults achieve greater inner well-being, sustain closer relationships and reach their full potentials in life. Its services are based on the Smart Love™ principles and include early childhood education, counseling services, parent coaching and education classes. It also provides training and consultation to agencies, schools and organizations, helping their childcare personnel positively influence children’s social and emotional outcomes.